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Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Odd Wo/Man, Odd Egg, the Rebel w/o a Clue....

Yep, that pretty much describes me... I am either too loud, not loud enough, or just don't fit in with the rest of the cogs on the wheels.  And I am okay with that!  No, really I am.. after all of these years I am getting my ole self back in order, and I am not really giving a flying fig to those who don't appreciate it!  "Take that one to heart".. sorry had a GnR moment there...

I really let someone come into my life years.. and I mean years ago (we are talkin' decade plus!) that I gave my power up to slowly over the years.. WTF for?? as I look at myself now and realize I was so silly at giving myself away.  It all started out as little things, nothing you thought a simple compromise would hurt.. pretty soon, you gave up a great paying job and moved, ending up being dependent on somebody else.  Not that give and take is not a bad thing, but without a partnership it means absolutely NOTHING!  No, seriously.. it means nothing, other than you may have a narcissist on your hands.

So, because of this betrayal of trust... blah blah blah, for years I have had no "heart".. really it feels like a lost void inside of me.  And still knowing all this time that music, my munchkins, and safer whole and real foods have been my passions.  I haven't had personal passions yet, just the idea so far.  My time is coming though... hell I haven't had this ling of a dry spell since I lost my V-card so many decades ago!  Ugh!  hahahaha  

But back to the main point of my little ramble here... I embrace my own quirkiness, I embrace my own Rebel w/o a Clue, I embrace my too loud of a laugh at the wrong moment, the awkward silences or absentminded response...   This is why I have decide over the next year I will be writing an eBook/eCourse for those that may want a kick start to embracing their oddities.  I know I rub people's rhubarb the wrong way, but it is never done out of mischievous intent... And I know I have much to offer.. if not people wouldn't ask me questions!  I explore topics most people don't, and I hope you will join me on my journey.  Some will be adult rated.. hope you can handle it.  (I wasn't called the Dr. Ruth of helpful info for nothing!)  But that is only one of the topics I will cover.   Feel free to ask questions and give advice.. let's have a partnership!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Well they are finally here....

I now have Soaps, Lip Balms, and Eyeshadow available on my Etsy Shop!!

I have teamed up with Heather, from Heather's Handmade Soaps to offer a three choice scent selection.
   1) Dragon's Blood
   2) Honey Ale
   3) Mochacino
All I gotta say is NUMMY!!!

I have also created Cucumber Melon scented, with Coral tint Lip Balm.  And, I have created a lovely Lilac purple Mineral Eyeshadow that just screams Spring is around the corner!!

So have a look at the new tabs and see what you would like to have to get rid of Winter Blues!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

BlackMoon 2014

Hello everyone!  I just wanted to send out a quick reminder for next Thursday!

The Calling  

It is an event to help throw some universal love into the world at a set time, or at least.. a bunch of good vibes all day long!

As I stated before I will be envisioning White Light and Mirrors reflected Outward, to ward of negativity.  So won't you join me??

Thank you, white Light and Blessings!  <3

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Offering!

I want to practice and expand my Tarot Card Reading, so over on my Etsy Shop, I am offering 99 cent readings!!  I can't offer them for free from there, so this is the best I can do.  The only thing I ask in return for such an offering is an honest review of the reading on my Etsy Shop.  That's it, nothing more!

I will send a Word document to the email you provide.  Your email will never be sold, traded, or abused in any way... other than an occasional newsletter, perhaps!   This will be a Five Card, plus any extras that appear, Spread to go with the general question that you ask.

I am offering this low price reading until the (USA) Summer Solstice of 2014, so please join me, won't you!

Thank you, White Light and Blessings to All! <3

Patchwork Pentacles on Etsy

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Welll Heeelllloooo!!!

How has your 2014 been working out for you????  Mine.. pretty great in the Spirituality realm and overall personal world.... Other areas??  Well lets just say, I could be doing some hard core stressing over certain things ($$$).. the only thing I ever stress about.  Must be because it is sometimes just out of my control.  And not in a cop out kind of way, I know I have much discipline to learn and use, but sometimes there is a universal factor I can't compete with.


I shall not let that affect where I am going or what I am working on to get there...  This is my time and I have plans for it!  I have been building upon this heavily for the past 6 months, I shall not stop now. I feel the Energy! I feel drawn to it, I feel Called to it.  In part of that draw and pull I have opened up a little farther and am asking that you be apart of it...

I have created a FaceBook Event: The Calling  because I feel so very strongly that the Universe needs an extra shot of concentrated love and positive vibes from us.  It is free, it won't cast you anything but some time and some positive emotion, all for the benefit of all, and causing harm to none.

I personally will be envisioning White Lights and Outward Facing Mirrors, to reflect away anything negative.  What will you envision??

Won't you join me???

Thank you, White Light and Blessings to All!  <3