Home, Crochet, Sewn, Amazon Store, Prototypes

Thursday, December 19, 2013

URL now takes you back to here....

I was having my domain name go straight to my Etsy Shop, but I decided I didn't like that.  I would come up with ideas and I couldn't share them on there like I could here.. so I am making a change back to home.

I am revamping and reorganizing and some things have to change one way or another in my little world.  So as time progresses you will see changes here and there.. updates and all that fun stuff when life throws you a curve and you need to make a home run! 

Thank you, White Light and Blessings to all!  <3

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Boldly going...

Boldly going where no Metal Mom has gone before....


Yep folks that is correct, you heard it here first I have started a Patchwork Pentacles Channel on YouTube.  Please stop by and see how I transform over time and start out in this currently bumbling and babbling stage to where hopefully I will become a more eloquent speaker.  Well ok, maybe just so I don't say "Um" and totally blank out in mid sentence and forget my train of thought!  Haha... Yeah right  ;)

So see you there!

Patchwork Pentacles Channel

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Check it out!!

Take a look in the Crocheted Items section and see what I have added to my Etsy Shop!!

<3  Love my model!!

Thank you , White Light and Blessings to All!  <3

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I'm back!!!!!!

Well I am back on track here.. not perfect.. but I never am, and don't believe in perfection, because let's face it we are human beings and that is far from perfection!

I hope you find things easier to find or at least able to find information on how to connect with me is easier.  And speaking of that, please use the links listed in the previous post to browse around and see what you like.

I also have started a Pinterest account,                    (http://www.pinterest.com/ptchwkpentacles) but am still in the learning stages on that one, but go ahead and look me up there if you would like as well!

You can also email me at:  
 patchworkpentacles@ hotmail.com 

Thank you, White Light and Blessings to all!  <3

Monday, September 9, 2013

Under Construction!

It was too cluttered, and I just didn't like how things were "looking" around here so I am going to be streamlining today to make things easier to find and showcase my products...

Thank you for your time and patience!

Don't forget you can find me at my  Etsy shop:  PatchworkPentacles

or on FaceBook at:   Patchwork Pentacles 

Feel free to stop by my Amazon store as well!  I have at least 90% of the books that I have placed as recommendations, please browse through the selections:  Patchwork Pentacles on Amazon